What is Reverse Logistics?

Reverse Logistics

Reverse logistics is a term used to refer to the facilitation of the movement of goods or resources in a direction that goes against the conventional linear supply chain model.

The concept isn't a new one as taking returns on unwanted or defective products is a very common form of the theory in practice. Innovations in the recycling and reclamation processes are continuing to expand our understanding of just how important reverse logistics truly are.

With more companies moving to more cost-effective circular supply chains the demand for reverse logistics has never been higher! However, the entire process is relatively unknown as most people don't like to think about what happens to things after they get rid of them. In this article, we are going to shed a spotlight directly on the mechanics of what makes this such an intricate part of the future of supply and manufacturing. 

Want to know how you can make the most out of a reverse logistics strategy? Reach out to us and let us help you implement this popular strategy.


Going Back to Move Forward 

There are several reasons why your company might need to utilize reverse logistics such as defective or unwanted products and reclaimed materials. While the former may not be anyone's favorite subject, it is undoubtedly imperative to offer those services for superior customer service. The latter is where the real potential benefit for future business lurks and will add longevity and savings to every industry that adopts it!

The unfortunate reality of returned goods is something that businesses have had to deal with since the dawn of industry. When it comes to the return of goods, it can get rather complicated as each situation is slightly different, ranging from correcting a shipping error with replacement items to one-way returns for any number of reasons.

In some cases, the product can be sent back to the manufacturer for repairs and then returned to the customer and it generally falls on the company to make all the logistical arrangements.

Then there's the rapidly expanding field of recycling or repurposing where materials are returned from warehouses or reclamation centers. When an item reaches the end of its life cycle the responsibility falls on the consumer to ensure that it ends up in an environmentally and industrially friendly facility. Stripping surplus stock that is no longer needed will not only clear up warehouse space but will also impact the bottom line beneficially!


Environmental Impact

Everybody already knows that recycling is good for the health of our planet and that this is the only planet we have.

As businesses continue to implement reverse logistics systems into their supply chain, it is now beginning to be implemented by businesses that seek to demonstrate environmental awareness. The innovations that will undoubtedly come in the future will only serve to continue to make it more of a win-win for both sides.

For example, the precious metals used in the construction of computer parts such as gold, silver, and platinum are all expensive and environmentally destructive to mine.

However, once they have been extracted from the Earth, it is simple to remove them from said components and repurpose them. This is particularly good news seeing as how those minerals are sparsely located around the globe and are extremely limited in the total amount of available. 

Of course, there are those products that cannot yet be recycled or will be too far damaged to be reused, but the overall amount of new material heading into landfills will see an overall drop as more companies embrace greener (and financially beneficial) practices. This will transform waste management from a final destination of products to an extremely valuable asset to industries around the world. 


Final Roundup 

Reverse logistics ensure a bright future for all forms of retail and manufacturing by keeping customers happy and materials flowing to production centers. They also open up an entirely new realm of possibilities for outdated equipment that can be remade into cutting edge parts that will again be useful. It is also one of the few things that benefit both the environment and the global economy simultaneously, which is good for everyone. 

From returns and repairs to reclaiming unused stock, reverse logistics are completely necessary for any business to function in are modernizing market. That is because it is the key element to the success of the circular supply chain model, which you can read more about here. Working hand-in-hand we can use the products that got us where we are today to take us to the future that has yet to be determined!

Still have questions? No problem, contact us here and our team will help you get acclimated.