How TMS Solutions Simplify Logistics


Albert Einstein said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again... and expecting different results.

We all understand that the world of logistics is a complex beast at times. However, there are new technology solutions always on the rise that aim to simplify the process of moving freight from one location to another. The creation of TMS (transportation management systems) is one of those solutions. A TMS is a sub-software solution within the supply chain management platform.

Shippers across multiple industries have said in the past that their biggest secret weapon was a stellar TMS. It is through this type of platform that they are able to streamline their operations, improve shipping optimization, and ensure on-time delivery to their customers. 

In the next few paragraphs, we will explain a few of the benefits that TMS transportation systems provide shippers in today's demanding. We will also provide a few tips which will allow you to find and work with the right third-party logistics company to help you apply this technology to your daily operations. 


What are TMS Transportation Solutions? 

A TMS or transportation management software is software as a service (SaaS). It is either cloud-based or uploaded to a company’s physical server.

For those who choose a cloud-based system, this technology reduces mistakes, provides easier access to data, and is scalable based on the needs of your business. And while traditional software platform can be used throughout the company’s servers it has limitations. The biggest of these limitations include no access to remote devices, such as laptops, tablets, and smartphones, for instance.

Most of the cloud-based TMS solutions allow access through any mobile device with a solid internet connection, however.

For example, let's assume for a second, that you own an e-Commerce business. You're sitting on a beach in Mexico, just enjoying your spoils. All the sudden you receive a notification that a customer is not available at the address listed on the shipping order. They contact you and ask if you could reroute the shipment to a new address. Let the headaches ensue!

Today's cloud-based TMS allows you to make these updates while you're sipping your Pina Colada.  

The modern TMS allows you to connect to your transportation management software from your mobile phone, from any location within your facility. A few of the features available with ATMS software solution include; 

Set up individual customer profiles and store their data

This type of technology solution puts the power of customization in the palm of your hand. As a result, when you gain a new customer, you can quickly set up a customer profile for them. From here, they can access their data from any device with an internet connection. Through that dashboard, they can find a little peace of mind as they have all of their data right there on the screen.

No more phone calls, endless emails, and visits from anxious customers. 

Scheduling inbound and outbound shipments

The cloud-based TMS transportation solution allows a shipper to schedule shipments remotely from a mobile device. Most of the time this includes tablets, smartphones, and even wearable technology in some cases. 


Removing Insanity from the TMS Equation  

At the beginning of this blog post, we talked a bit about insanity. However, a well-built TMS can remove insanity from the equation through the use of cloud computing. When these programs are cloud-based, you get updates the very moment that the developer rolls them out. There is no need to manually update your system, ever. And anyone who has used an older TMS without the magical power of the cloud will tell you, it can be a huge pain point.

Another thing that we commonly hear about TMS solutions is that it is expensive and takes time to learn. This is simply not accurate.

Yes, you will need to do your research. And yes, it does cost a little bit of money to get a system in place. 

The time and money spent is not a massive undertaking, though, even for a small business. Furthermore, it is one of the best investments that you can make for your supply chain. 


Final Thoughts

Successfully integrating a TMS solution takes time and research. 

Thanks to our recent acquisition by Redwood Logistics – our combined efforts offers us the flexibility to expand our services – which now includes integration of TMS solutions for multiple industries.  

Chicago-based Redwood Logistics is a next generation, strategically integrated logistics provider that believes every company’s needs are unique. For more than 15 years, the company has been providing solutions for moving and managing freight. More importantly, we enjoy seeing our clients succeed!

Redwood Logistics is focused on making its customers more successful in their end markets by applying talented and motivated people, proven processes and cutting-edge technologies to optimize their supply chain management efforts.