How Robotic Unloading Increases Dock Efficiency

Robotic Unloading

Earlier this year, Honeywell introduced a new toy for warehouse operators to salivate over.

This new robotic solution is geared to streamline and increase the efficiency of warehouse operations. More specifically, the unloading dock.

With the introduction of Honeywell’s new robotic unloader, warehouse operators are provided with yet another solution that can help improve operational efficiency, enhance sustainability, and reduce on-site injuries.

As a matter of fact, if you want to see it in action, check out this video.

While the Honeywell unloader is certainly a marvel of innovation, it isn't the only one being developed. In fact, both FedEx and UPS have been doing plenty of their own research and development on automating the unloading process.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the reasons why warehouse operators are seeking these new automated solutions in the first place and the benefits they produce. 


What are the Hurdles to Implementing Automation in the Warehouse?

When you think about upgrading your operations with automation, there are a few things to consider.

Obviously, on top of this list is the cost of the equipment, training, and implementation. Technology is expensive, but one item overlooked by warehouse operators is the expense of training people on how to use the new technology. 

Contrary to popular belief, automation equipment is not a plug-and-play solution. It requires people to assist in integration or upgrading of other support equipment or procedures. This requires time to plan and integrate the technology into the daily warehouse operations. 


How is Automation in the Warehouse Beneficial?

When a warehouse implements automation into their daily operations, it can improve the efficiency in multiple areas...


Reduction of Expenses

Most warehouse operators consider automation to be an investment in the future.

While the technology is rather expensive, it can pay for itself quickly when it helps to reduce your operational expenses.

Using a robotic unloader, for example, can reduce the need for multiple employees to simply off-load freight. This permits you to allocate these people to more time-sensitive tasks, or those that may help to improve other areas of focus. 


Reduces Onsite Injuries

A major expense for any business is paying worker’s compensation claims.

Luckily, more automated processes have shown that they can actually decrease on-site injuries. The idea is that the less physically strenuous activities can be delegated to warehouse robots.


Better Serve Customers

Automation hardware coupled with warehouse management software helps warehouses keep up with industry trends.

For example, an automated order management solution permits a warehouse to quickly access the location of the purchased product. Then, it looks for the best shipping solution available for that specific order. 

Additionally, many supply chains employ these software platforms in the fulfillment process, order entry, and shipping. The key to seamlessly integrating automation tech is knowing what's the most feasible, affordable and efficient. 


Final Thoughts

An experienced third-party logistics company can help any warehouse operation pick the automation solutions that make sense within their operations. They have a solid understanding of trends in the marketplace, but also realize which trends might be a temporary solution. 

If you’re thinking about optimizing your warehouse efficiency by integrating automated equipment or other technology solutions, contact Redwood Logistics.