A Custom TMS is a Great Investment for Shippers

Custom TMS

Finding the right carrier for a specific delivery can be a long, involved process. Luckily, this is a task that a custom TMS can expedite with ease!

The term TMS is short for Transportation Management System, and it is one of the most used pieces of software in the logistics industry at the moment. And for good reason too! With a custom TMS on their side, shippers simply tell the program what type of carrier they need, what their budget is, and when they need to ship the goods. The system takes all of these criteria and compiles a list of carriers that meet all of the specified requirements. From there, it is up to the shipper to pick the best from among the tailored list.

This process of sifting through countless carriers and calling each of them for more information would normally take a human a large chunk of time to complete. However, this software is capable of doing it within mere minutes.

Custom TMS platforms are quickly becoming a vital tool in the logistics industry as a whole. With so many shippers switching over to using a TMS, at this point if you aren't doing the same thing, you are falling behind drastically.

Since a TMS is so crucial to the efficient organization, retention, and management of supply chain movement, it can be argued that it’s the best investment a shipper can make. So, in today's blog post, let's look at a few ways how a custom TMS might be your next best financial investment.


The Power of a Custom TMS 

TMS or Transportation Management Software is a Software as a Service (SaaS) platform. Generally, it is offered as a cloud-based system, but it can also be uploaded to a business’s server like traditional software programs. However, we recommend using these platforms via the cloud.

Cloud-based systems are simply safer and offer less risk of error. The cloud TMS solution allows a shipper to connect to the network from any location with a Wi-Fi or internet connection, from a laptop, tablet, or other mobile devices. A traditional mainframe system is more limited in terms of sharing data across network devices.

Just a few of the powerful features offered by a custom TMS include:


Instant shipping rate updates

Let’s say that you’ve set up a shipment to move a single pallet via LTL carrier. You've been sending shipping rate requests to multiple carriers all day and are waiting for quotes. But you’re at lunch when you finally receive a text notification that “carrier A” has reduced their initial estimate to save you 25%.

With a traditional "old-school" method of transportation management, you have to finish up lunch, run back to your desk, compare the quote with any other you may receive and then finally book a carrier. However, with a custom, cloud-based TMS this isn't the case at all. With a TMS, you can access the platform and book the service from the convenience of your mobile device. All while you finish up that tasty sandwich.

Oh, and if sandwiches aren't your thing, you also end up saving a little time and money! Just imagine all the time it would have taken you to do it all manually.

Create Customer Profiles

The modern TMS can also be configured to include custom customer profiles for quick access. This is a great feature if you deal with a lot of the same customers on a regular basis.

Just grab a recommended carrier from the TMS, sync it to that customer's profile. The next time they place an order, you simply schedule the pick up within your TMS. Since the carrier for that specific customer is already saved as the preferred method, the TMS platform does all the rest and gets it booked for you!

Receive Shipping Updates and Instant Notifications

Most shippers understand the value of a well-done white glove service. Things such as shipping notifications, delays, and real-time tracking goes a long way in providing an excellent user experience.

Leaving a customer in the dark about a delivery is one of the worst things a business can do. With a custom TMS, you can configure it to update your customers regularly. This piece of the platform includes the customer's contact information, preferred methods of notification delivery, and creates personalized messages for shipping updates.


Why a Custom TMS Developed by a 3PL is a Great Investment

There are multiple reasons why working with a 3PL is a great financial investment. When you add custom designed transportation management systems to the plate, that value is greatly enhanced.

A professional third-party logistics company is generally comprised of experts in the logistics field. These experts typically use only the latest technology and methods to help their clients skyrocket their business.

A service that more 3PLs have begun to offer in the past few years is the building of custom TMS platforms. A modern 3PL will work with the shipper to discover what they lack and need in terms of transportation management. Then, they can go to building a TMS and help their clients create a training program to bring their employees up to speed.


Final Thoughts

An experienced 3PL like Redwood Logistics has a proven track record of developing customized TMS solutions for clients. Some of them are Fortune 500 businesses, while others are small-volume local retailers and distributors. The inclusion of advanced technology, along with user-friendly features ensures that when it’s implemented to the daily operations of any sized shipper – it provides value from the onset.

If you’re thinking about investing in a custom TMS platform, contact Redwood Logistics today. Here at Redwood we pride ourselves on listening to our client's wants, needs, and weaknesses. Once we know what areas you could use a little help in, we can discuss some viable options and our team goes to work to help get you back on track. And best of all, we use only the latest and greatest in technological innovations to ensure you stay far ahead of the curve!